Video youtube dihapus karena judul, deskripsi dan taq yg salah


Video youtube dihapus karena judul, deskripsi dan taq yg salah

Baru kali ini ngalamin video di youtube bisa dihapus karena dianggap melanggar pedoman komunitas karena salah penenempatan atau tidak sesuai antara judul dan deskripsi video yg ane upload. Ane terkejut setelah adanya email pemberitahuan dari Pihak youtube yg menghapus video ane yg menurut penilaian mereka adanya kesalahan penempatan taq dalam deskripsi video yg merupakan suatu pelanggaran, padahal Video tsb sudah dlm keadaan termonisasi dan viewnya masih sedikit. Mungkin pihak youtube menilai adanya indikasi curang untuk mendongkrak view dengan penggunaan taq yg berlebihan pada deskripsi video dan bukan pada kolom taq yg semestinya.

Berikut ini email pemberitahuan penghapusan video karena pelanggaran:

    One or more of your videos was removed by the YouTube team for violating our community guidelines. We removed the following videos from YouTube: Modded Gamertag TROLLING in CoD Ghosts Misleading descriptions, tags, titles, or thumbnails designed to increase views are not allowed.

    Tags should only be placed in the appropriate tag section and not in the description. It's also not okay to post large amounts of untargeted, unwanted, or repetitive content, including comments and private messages. Learn more here

    Please note that this removal has not resulted in a strike and once you fix the issues highlighted above you are free to reupload the video(s) listed above. Please be aware that the view count and comments from your previous upload will not carry over to the new upload. We encourage you to review all videos in your account to make sure they are in line with our community guidelines. Additional violations could result in strikes on your account, or even lead to account termination.

    - The YouTube Team

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